1968-1969 Yearbook

KICKING off the Homecominq weekend, the SA sponsors a Friday night chili supper complete with entertainment and bonfire. PREPARATION begins early and continues lote. Dedicated souls lobor over the Homecoming Queen's float into the niqht hours. 62 THE FACES OF AUTUMN Preparation for Homecoming makes the weekend a success Week-long preparation found fulfillment in another Homecoming weekend. Friday arrived, interrupting work as students bussed or drove to Wyldewood for the traditional chili supper. Entertainment ranged from folk music to prestidigitation. Hiking to Bee Rock, students gathered around the bonfire for a pep rally and a devotional to conclude the evening. Further preparation continued through Saturday morning as social clubs and classes put the finish, ings on their car and 'float entries. Saturday afternoon the parade snaked through Searcy. Ko Jo Kai and the junior class won the car and float divisions, respectively. Mary Smith received the queen's crown at halftime while the Bisons provided a fitting denouement to Homecoming by beating Northwood Institute 35-6. Homecoming faces, crowd faces, group faces - these too were faces of autumn. CROWD faces blend into one face- the face of victory-as the Bisons provide Homecoming fans with an exceptiona l contest.