1968-1969 Yearbook

RElUCTANTlY complying wi th Ha rd ing 's rul e against hirsute adornment, Joe Moore shaves in the fall regist ration line. THE FACES OF AUTUMN Confusion characterizes faces of autumn semester registrants Even years of previous ex perience did not allevi - ate the p relimina ry confusion of registration week for mos t Harding students. Four hundred and ninety- three freshmen endured the ordeal without the benefit of ex peri ence. Computeri zation simpli - fi ed th e process but did not sh orten the l ine or sh ade one from the sun . A total of 1,943 studen ts registered for th e fall semes ter . With registra tion scarcely over the n eed for class offi cers arose, crea ting another stir. Depending largely on the weather, th e student center managed to look like either an election center or a giant litter h eap bedecked with gimmi ckery . Somewhe re, someh ow amids t the confusion studen ts managed to find time to r elax . The SAsponsored wa termelon Ies t provided just such an opportunity. STEPPING out of the registration li ne, Jan Chapman stops for a few moments to join the local chapter of the SNEA. 58 WISElY locating a temporary resting place, Jim l ucas and Jim Green relax for a minute during a long, hot registration .