1968-1969 Yearbook

• I • SOCIAL SCIENCE Speakers, tours challenge AS group to examine our society THE DrvISIO OF SOCIAL SCIENCE broadened educational experiences for many of its sturlents through the American Studies Program. " Crisis and Conflict in Contemporary America" was the year's topic. Political scientists, government workers, businessmen and others were invited to speak before the group on campus. Most Illeetillgs were open to the public, and several g-liests of the program appeared in chapel. The group. composed of faculty members and outstanding students in all the division's departlncnls~ w('nt on two major tours, one to Nc\v Orleans alld the other to SI. Louis. Billy Ray Cox directs the program. Office management was offered as a major by the department of business and economics for the first timc this fall. Sociology. in its second year as a major, added Delmar O'Dell to its stafr. Other new division faculty members were Kclly Randolph in psychology and Fred Jewell in history. MEDIEVAL Europe's changing mop is described by Mr. Cook, using an overhead projector to illustrate boundary adiustments. DATA was gathered by the doss from surveys conducted in Searcy and Kensett before the crucial '68 presidential elect ion. 54 ANALYZING doto for a political parties course is a major phose in the application of the behovorial study approach.