1968-1969 Yearbook

BIBLE Theologians stress missionary effort In new division TITE DIVISION OF RELIGION, in the words of D, ', W , Jo~ Hacke r, " is committed to th e cl assroom [l nd beyond ." Augmenting thi s yea r's curriculum was th e inaugura ti on of a four year mi ss ionary t raining program which includ es a Bachelor of Arts o cp; rc(' in mi ss ions. Beginning thi s year, an e' peri enced missiona ry ser ved th e depa rtment for a twelve month period as a visit ing p rofesso r . Joe Ca ntl on was firs t to work in thi s rapac ity. Fa ll kct ureship brough t a va ri e ty of speakers to th e ca mpllS. All studen ts ha d the oppor tunity to hea r and converse w ith th ese outstanding speake rs. Semina r spea ker s and gues t lec tu r er s came throughout the year , con tinui ng to meet the academi c needs of Bible ma jors and oth er students. Des iring to g ive each student a thorough understa llding of th e Ch ristian philoso phy, th e school required everyone to en roll in Bibl e courses. To hdp mee t the needs of a pprox ima tely 175 Bible and mi ss ion major's. Jim J Toward and Joe Can non wer e added as new members of th e depa rtment. Numerous act ivit ies beyond the classroom were a lso spollsored by the Bible Depa rtmen t. Gen nany was the sig ht of a campa ign conducted la st summ(, l' . Groups w ill ~:o to G(' rmany, Japan and D cn111ark thi s summe r. Campaigners also wo rked in Arka nsas and other sta tes. INTELLECTUAL and sp iritual growth for all student s is the obj ect of diversified Bibl e courses requi red every semester. 44 ADDING versa tility to Bible classes, Eddie Wan descri bes reo lig ion in the Orient as Reggy Hare woifs to speak of Austria.