1968-1969 Yearbook

INTRODUCTION Harding's scholars learn their academic life is not confining The story of academic life as the story of cUlTiculums, libraries, papers and organizations is a story unfinished. Academic life at Harding during the 1968-1969 school year was more than the visible and the formal. It was a spirit, an approach, defying confinement. Thus, academic life existed when a student and professor interacted anywhere, as intellect with intellect, seeking and discovering together. Meditation and independent research became outlets. In debate and discussion he searched for truth. Thinking, expanding his mind, the scholar's class never dismissed. Panta rei, ouden menei - "all things flow, nothing abides." "The scholar of the first ar;e received unto him the world around; brooded thereon; gaue it the new arrangement of his own mind, and uttered it ar;ain. It came into him life; it went out from him truth . It came to him short-lived actions; it went out from him immortal thour;hts. It came to him business; It went out from him poetry." -Emerson INTERACTING inFormally, students and faculty members add significant impressions to each other's learning experiences. ALONE in his room, a student works late at night to complete his tasks. INDEPENDENT study, term papers and doily assignments regularly send students to utilize the Facilities of the Beaumont Memorial Library. 42