1968-1969 Yearbook

PRODUCED BY GOSPEL SERVICES, INC. This is a series of 12 filmstrips with how-to-do-it ideas for organizing and conducting a successful Cottage Meeting Program using visual aids. Acomplete course using 35mm filmstrips for training cottage meeting personal workers By Jule Over 600 pictures designed to strengthen members and increase conversions. FILMSTRIP TITlES 1. The Cottage Meet ing 2. The Teache r 7. Presen ting t he Lesson 8. When a Questi on is Asked 3. An Effect ive Program 4. The Prospect 5. Mak ing the Sa le 6. Preparing to Teach 9. Closi ng the Lessons 10. Lead ing up to Obedience 11. Responses to t he Crisis 12. The Follow-up No. 222 Complete Set of 12 filmstrips with revised illustrated manual $35.00 No. 222R Set of 6 Revised Records $14.95 FILMSTRIPS New, Revised, illust rated Teacher jStudent manual. Contai ns all t he fil mstri p pictures and a quiz at the end of each lesson. Order a copy for the whole class! 222M Extra Manuels $1.50 (10 or more), each $1.25 342