1968-1969 Yearbook

Russell Showalter f requent ly goes by OMAGENE'S to pick up groceri es and enjoys the personal service. OMAGENE'S GROCERY "Conveniently located behind the new science building" RAND'S POLY CLEAN now features self dry cleaning machines that save time and money for students. RAND'S POLY CLEAN H ig hway 67 Ebst 268·9639 Expert repairing of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry C. J. FANSLER JEWELER Sales on Watches, Watchbands, Diamonds, Jewelry Qu"lity first service "Iw"ys Ultr"sonic cle"ning 110 E. Vine 268·2736 INTERNATIONAL SHOE COMPANY 400 South Main SEARCY, ARKANSAS SEARCY DAILY CITIZEN 209 W. Arch 268·8621 Harding students keep abreast of local , state ond national affairs through the SEARCY DAILY CITIZEN.