JUNIOR HIGH Academy school spirit spiced by peppy junior high students The junior high students boosted their football team to a 3-1-1 record for the season . They gave 100 per cent support to the senior high athletic teams by helping decorate halls, attend pep rallies and go to all the games at home and away. This year the Junior Beta Club achieved its largest membership of Zl students . The standards for joining are the same as the senior high club, a ninety average for two consecutive six-weeks. Under the new direction of Mrs. Kay Gowen, the 45-member junior high chorus presented programs in chapel and in the variety show. SE'I£NTH GRADE. FRONT ROW: Hacker, Wright, Burkett, Vinson. SECOND ROW: Cannon, Hunt. Ozbirn, Alli son. Bullard. THIRD ROW: Beavers, Sexson, Taylor, Wilson . FOURTH ROW: loftin, Hoagland, Showa lter, Pryor, Pullara. EIGHTH GRADE. FRONT ROW: I(ell ar, Ulrey, Kearby, Pullara, lawyer, Daniel, Formby, SECOND ROW: Coston (sponsor), Hart, Campbell, Beck, loftin, 302 Gilliam, Hedrick, Scott, Watts, Rouse (sponsor). THIRD ROW: Tucker, Can· non, Morris, Altman, Williams, Moore, Bales, Baggett, Harris, Kiihnl.