1968-1969 Yearbook

PETIT JEAN STAFF. FRONT ROW, Webb. Baggett, Cleveland. SECOND ROW, Clark, Groover, Martin. THIRD ROW, Daniel, Mears, Tucker. ) FACULTY sponsor Miss Ruth Browning is always ready to help and advise the Academy editors, Nancy Clark and Jenny Davis. PUBLICATIONS Academy Petit Jean, W ildcat staffs create new look in '69 The aim of the Academy annual staff is to create a new look for the 1969 Petit Jean. Achieving this required long hours of picture taking, writing and rewriting copy, scheduling numerous elections, typing and proofreading. The 1969 editor, senior Jenny Davis, was responsible for supervising work upon the section. Preparing for next year's publication, Rosemary Baggett, learned the many duties of coordinating an annual. Senior Mike Mears reported the sports activities of the Academy Wildcats. The school paper, the Wildcat, also had a new look this year. Responsible for coordinating the paper was senior editor, Nancy Clark, assisted by Rachel Formby. New organization, editorial cartoons and more pictures were a part of the new Wildcat. Allen Gould edited all sports sections of the newspaper. Miss Ruth Browning, the faculty advisor, spent much time helping the editors, lending advice and proofreading all articles. WILDCAT STAFF. FRONT ROW, Formby. SECOND ROW, Mortin, Webb. THIRD ROW; Sears , Jones, Ganus, Cleveland . 273