HONORS Studious senior boy is chosen by Sub-Deb to receive Award The Sub-Deb social club selec ted as the recipient of their annual award, senior Mark Nadeau. Nadeau served his school as president of the A Cappella Chorus and secretary-trea su rer of the National Beta Club. The student coun cil set their goals hi gh this year by trying to improve relations between students and faculty and to encou rage leadership among the student body. The counci l was composed of a representati ve from a ll clubs and service organizations. Skits presented to the chapel audi ences by counci l members promoted indivi dual leadership. STUDENT COUNCIL. FRONT ROW, Tucker, Beavers, Martin, Kell, Webb, Blue, Kiihn I. SECOND ROW, Helsten, Daniels, Calvert, Davis, Groover, Ganus, Hacker. TH IRD ROW: Nadeau, Finney, Daniel, Curry, Tucker. 269