- HA ltRy OLREE , EdD VIRGil BECKETT, BA , DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH Dr. Olree conducts research to aid NASA space program DR. HARRY DOYLE OLREE, Director of Research, was occupied again in 1968-69 with the evaluation of physical fitness. In cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, research was conducted to aid in preparing man for the rigors of cxtended space flight. Last November Dr. Olree was elected vice-president of the Arkansas Association for Health, Physical Education and Hecreation. He is Harding's athletic director and chairman of the division of education and department of health and education. REGISTRAR Beckett keeps college records, utilizes I BM equipment often VIRGIL M. BECKETT, aid~d by the intricate electronics of IBM equipment, was responsible for keeping accurate records of students' achievements. In his additional role as director of data processing. Mr. Beckett was involved with programming the machines for greatest efficiency. Their present versatility may be illustrated by the wide range of uses-from listing names for the student directory to complex financial computations and records. Always willing to help with problems, Mr. Beckett checked seniors' degree plans to assure their graduating on schedule and counseled students facing indecision about their maiors. He is a member of the American and Arkansas Associations of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Office. 25