1968-1969 Yearbook

BILL DILES, MA, Principal PERRY S. MASON, MAo LLD, Superintend.nt PERRY S. MASON, BA, MA, LLD, Superintendent of Harding Academy, actively serves his school and community. He sponsors the Academy Key Club and is a member of the Searcy Kiwanis Club. Working as the State Chairman of the Americanism Division of the American Legion, Dr. Mason made numerous speeches concerning the topic of citizenship throughout the state this year. He also serves as a member of the National Commission of the American Legion. ADMINISTRATION Administrators serve school in many unique, varied roles BILL DILES, MA, began his second year as principal of Harding Academy. He served as statistician for the athletic teams and sponsor of the Future Business Leaders of America. This year he taught typing and Bible. Although his administrative duties kept him busy, he found time to help the students as a counselor, as an umpire or as a sports announcer. During the past summer, Mr. Diles received his administrative certificate from the University· of Arkansas. Throughout this year, Mr. Diles has livened the Wednesday chapel days by adding a laugh to the announcements with his many familiar jokes. Mr. Diles initiated the requirement this fall that all students make passing grades in Bible to participate in extra-curricular activities. I. E. BERRYHIU. MA, Re,istr.r J. E. BERRYHILL, BA, MA, has long been a familiar figure in Academy life. In his second year as registrar, one frequently sees him counseling students in which courses to take academically and spiritually. In addition to his duties of registrar and counseling this year he teaches driver education, Bible and history. With his dry wit but firm manner, he creates a useful student-teacher relationship. He actively supports Wildcat teams. 267