1968-1969 Yearbook

CHEERLEADERS New yells, gimmicksand rallies lift spirits high from doldrums "Rip 'em up, Tear 'em up, Gronk" became the cry of the nine energetic cheerleaders who aroused school spirit within the student body this year. Well organized pep rallies drew record crowds in time of defeat as well as victory. Serving as captain of the cheerleaders, Brenda Needham was assisted by junior co-captain, Mary Smith. In addition to cheerleading, Miss Smith Was chosen by the student body as football Homecoming Queen. Serving for the first year were cheerleaders Martina Prock, Ellen Potter, Paula Erwin, Jeanette Sims, Cass Yingling, Dinecia Trickey and Debbie Dickey. Lori Bailey, four-year old daughter of sponsor Karyl Bailey, served as mascot. Bennie the Bison was represented at games by a head created in his likeness. CHEERLEADERS. FRONT ROW, Mary Smith, Paula Erwin, Cass Yingling, Debbie Dickey. SECOND ROW: Dinecia Trickey, 232 V-FOR -VICTORY, signals cheerleader Jeanette Sims as she en· courages the Bisons in their opening contest with Centenary. Ellen Potter, Martina Prock, Jeanette Sims, Brenda Needham.