1968-1969 Yearbook

COACHES. FRONT ROW, John Prock, Jerry Mote, Bob Gilli am, Carl Allison, Roddy Osborne. SECOND ROW, Joe Miller, Ed COACHING STAFF Coaches plan strategy early to grab AIC all-sports trophy One point separated Harding from the victor, Southern State, in the race for the 1968 AlC All - Sports Trophy. Nevertheless, Harding captured AlC championships in cross country, bowling and tennis. Determined to capture the trophy for the 1969 season, the nine athletic coaches began planning team strategy early for their respective sports; John Prock, head football coach, assisted by Roddy Osborne, Jerry Mote and Ted Altman; Hugh Groover, head basketball coach, assisted by Ted Altman; Ted Lloyd, track and cross country; Joe Miller , swimming; Ed Burt, bowling; Dr. Bob J. Gilliam, golf; Bob Knight, tennis; and Carl Allison, baseball. Responsibility for Harding's intercollegiate athletic program this year resided in the Faculty Athletic Committee. FIGHTING spirit drives Harding's new defensive line coach, Roddy Osborne, to challenge a player to perfect his style, techn'ique and increase his desire to compete with pride. 230 Burt, Robert Knight, Ted Lloyd, Ted Altman, Hugh Groover.