1968-1969 Yearbook

JUMPING for contro l of the ball, Marty Burkett tips off to a teammate in Zeta Phi's first basketba ll game of the year. lETA PHI lETA Festive setting generates glow at Zeta Phi's holiday banquet A Christmas tree sitting beside a decorated fireplace set the mood for Zeta Phi members at their "Candlelight and Roses" banquet. Songs by Denny Dotson and Ron G an entertaining speech by Dr. Muncy adde pleasure of the December function. Mis ub sponsor, hosted a Christmas party fo embers at her home, at which Zeta Phi's 0 . refreshments and exchanged surprise gtfts. e club gave a contribution to the Biafran fund for a service project. A number of bunking parties comprised Zeta Phi's other activities for the year. OFFICERS. Dinah Chisum, Pres.; Debbie Pangle, Vice-Pres.; Jeanette Sims , Sec.; lottie Bright, Treas .; Winnie Bell , Sponsor, 226 Club Beou TOM DOZIER ZETA PHI. TOP ROW: Bell (sponsor), Alden , Berry, Bielby. SECOND ROW: Bradford , Bright, Bryant, Burkett, Chisum. THIRD ROW: Crawford, Dickey, Erwin , Ford, Gardner. FOURT~ ROW: Gould, Hackney, Henley, Hindman, Holland. FIFTH ROW: Howard, Huckabee, Jones, Kalberg, Keathley. SIXTH ROW: Kirkpatr ick, lachinsky, little, McClain, Norwood. SEVENTH ROW: Pang le, Shanks, Shurbet, Sims, Watts.