TOFE8T Tofebt girls enliven birthdays for Oakdale Home residents Planning the monthly birthday parties at the Oakdale Nursing Home was part of the activities of Tofebt club members this year. As their service project, Tofebt's took tM" responsibility for planning programs and pr Nidi g entertainment for the residents of Oakdal a clition, the club continued last year's pro) c sending money to help finance the education a I deaf boy in Taiwan. At Christmas, the girls sen their "adopted" brother a book on sign language to aid in his education. OFFICERS. Shonnie Smith, Pres.; Camille Johnson, Vice-Pres.; Jan Scott, Sec.·Treos.; Mrs. Bill CUlp, Mrs. Richard Indermill, Sponsors. VALENTINE greetings from Tofebt cheer nursing home residents. 224 TOFEBT. TOP ROW: CUlp, Indermill (sponsors), B,II, Beasley. SECOND ROW: D. Brown, L. Brown, M. Brown, Byram, Clanton. THIRD ROW: Dedmon, Franklin, Giles, Hallse!!, Hodges. FOURTH ROW: Johnston, Koger, McKinney, Page, Pankey. FIFTH ROW: Sanders, Scott, Shaw, B. Smith, P. R. Smith. SIXTH ROW: P. Smith, S. Smith, Talley, Williams, Wilson. Club Beau BEN BOB BOOTH