PII. TOP ROW: And.... Barron. Bender, Bradley, Bridges. SECOND , Bullard, Cain, Catterton, L. Childer,. THIRD ROW: M. Childers, Fly, Focks. FOURTH ROW: Gilbert, Gray, Green, Hall, Hern· ROW: Herring. Hodge, House. Kuhl, Mclaren. SIXTH ROW: ;..........r, Moore, Mullen, Nolle, Oliver. SEVENTH ROW: Patchell, Pope, I , Weaver, Williams. Club Beau BRUCE STIDHAM THETA PSI Enthusiastic Theta Psi's bob for apples at Halloween party Singing, playing games and bobbing for apples characterized the fun at Theta Psi's Halloween party in the fall "',this year. Springtime provided excellent weather for e club's outing at Petit Jean State Park. Ta . /S'C ildren from the Morrilton Orphan's Home <1& greatly to the pleasures of the day for everyo .' Rn,!!s and Memories"was the theme for Theta Psi's ' h'-t5 banquet, held at Paul's Lamplighter Rest ,,-nt in Little Rock. Feeling a need to be of service, lQeta Psi donated money to aid Brother Eubanks in his tour of mission spots in Scandinavian countries. OFFICERS. Nancy Bridges, Pres.; lucretia Woodward. Vice-Pres.; Sandy Barron, Sec.; Barbara Oliver, Trees.; Mrs. Bob Eubanks, Sponsor. FLOATING apples still elude Sandy Barron while her husband John, wet· faced and dripping with woter, rises successfully. 223