1968-1969 Yearbook

KNIGHTS. TOP ROW: Eubanks. Osborne (sponsors). And.""n, Beason. SECOND ROW: Blackman, Bostic, Brown, Burt, Confer. THIRD ROW: F.nt, Greene, Hall, Karl, lay. FOURTH ROW: Johnson, Morris, McCla in. Portell, Thompson. KNIGHTS Knights brighten Homecoming by bringing ball from Conway OFFICERS. Boyce McCl a in, Pres.; J im Brown, Vice · Pre s.; Don Po rte ll , Sec.; Brio n Anderson, Tre e s.; Bob Euba nks, Roddy Osborne , Sponsors. 200 PROUD of their accomplishment , Knights present the game ball, carried by bicycle f rom Conway, to the referee of the game. Queen Judy Worth