Queen Mary Smith lAKING first in footbal l, Kappa Sig's al so try for basketba ll. ... SIGMA KAPPA. TOP ROW: Burks, Yates (sponsors), C. Anderson, .. Anderson, Bashaw. SECOND ROW: Carpenter, Chapman, Coates, Ooak, __ THIRO ROW: [uridge, Hargett, Hol loway, Jolly, Layne. FOURTH ROW: lIc:Umy, Ma rtin, Mil hollen, Mil ton, Moore. Northam. FI FTH ROW: Parrish, PIddord, PruItt, Reibolt, Ross, Rubl e. SIXTH ROW: Sanders, Sandh, Stevens, ... White. Wooten. KAPPA SIGMA KAPPA Kappa Sig's capture crowns In small club ball competition Defcnding its small club football championship, Kappa Sigma continued to place a w cat emphas is on sports thi s year, ta king first in both small club football and vOlleyb all, a1 well as third in small club so ftball . An increase in membership brought the club to a new high of 33, which allowed them to enter bot~ A a'nd.)3 team sports. A chilly November h ayride to Wyldcwdod and a wiener roast over a h ot fire wer o th e highlights of the club's third fun ction. Also included in the club's ac tivit ies for the year was a stag outing in Apri l at Heber Springs . OFFICERS. Joe Moore, Pres.; Garry Parri sh, Vice· Pres.; David Pi tchford , Sec.; Steve Rub le, Trea s.; David Burks, Dr . Jere Yates, Sponsors. 199