1968-1969 Yearbook

INTRODUCTION Pledge week change marks year of social club innovation Through faculty vote and student approval , pledge week for th e 1968-69 school year was m ov()d from th e traditional eleventh wee k to th e six th week of sc hool. H owever , roughn ess of pledge week act iviti es thi s year led to ch anges in th e pledg ing rules for the '69-'70 school year. Lar ge boys clubs reached record num be rs hecau se of a decision made by the soc ial club presiden ts not to l imit boy's cluh quotas. Un usua l serv ice projects also cha rac teri zed the soc ial club yea r. Severa l Ba rding clubs collected ma teri a ls and money for Bia fra and money was ra ised for mentall y retarded children . OPEN house initiates pledge week interest in socio l clubs. FEEliNG a sense of belonging makes it all seem worthwhile. 190