1968-1969 Yearbook

IIJMOROUSlY enacting night room-check in the girl 's dorm are Big Sisters Karen Crawford, JoAnn Henley and Andrea little. IICT'flOlOGY. SPEAKER: l omax. TABLE: Davis. Brooks. FRONT ROW: Fant, .". Howell, Ham, Newman, Cannon (sponsor), Watts, SECOND ROW: Davis, SIlIns. FRONT ROW: Yingling, Lytton, Catterton, Hankins, Miles, 8eene, Springer, Jackson, Rogers, Nichols. SECOND ROW: Davis, •. Brooks, Pillow, Franklin, Brock, Walke r. Hammond, Will iams, Edste f, SERVICE CLUBS Big Sisters reveal spacemen's views of Harding at meeting Harding life as seen by a Martian fami ly was the theme of th e ski t presen tcd by the Big Sisters at the All Women's Meeting. During the summer Big Sisters wrote to freshmen and transfer girls to acquaint them with Harding. Get acquainted parties helped li ttle sisters to make new friends. Each Sunday th e DactyloloKY Club went to Little Rock to conduct worship services in sign language [or the deaf. New projects included encouraging other Christian school s to form sign language clubs and emphasizing through Christian publi cations the need for working with the deaf. Martin, Yan Saun, Michaels. THIRD ROW: Russell, Naron, Rice, Crafton, FOURTH ROW: Burress, Stinson, Stroup, Fortner, Banks, Elmer, Davis, THIRD ROW: Carter, Barrett, Cabb. Meeker, Holland . Anderson, Nye, Stites, Brown, Karaffa. Simpson, Sharp, Stroup, Greenway. Willett. 181