1968-1969 Yearbook

OCAPA member Mike Hollimore keeps the Student Center bul . letin board up to date with controversial photos and clippings. STUDENTS for Fulbright gother at the White County Courthouse to support the senators bid for re·eledion. (11 rr.n NnTI~ ~ ..(lJ BILL DUDLEY and lynn Calhoun supply Ernie Gilbert and Mari· Iyn Krape with data about HOPE's organization and objectives. POLITICAL GROUPS Political organizations study Asian war and state election Election year and the Vietnam war prompted the organization of several new political groups on campus. Representing opposing views in the senatorial election were the Students for Fulbright and the Young Americans for Freedom. Students for Fulbright helped canvass the community while YAF members distributed "The Prodigal Son," a publication of the Arkansas YAF. HOPE, the Harding Organization for Peaceful Existence among nations, was established to inform students about the Vietnam war. OCAPA and the Veritas Forum offered further information on political questions. 177