1968-1969 Yearbook

KHCA RADIO STAff. FRONT ROW: Anderson, Calhoun, Flowers, laurence, Kimbro, Wilson, Porter. SECOND ROW: Brant , Painter, Galyean, Wi se, Cook, ~£CJHiR HERE rOK fRrt /U/C \ T/l.AII5Irr~K c.-"l.o('"" ~, " KHCA ..... REPRESENTING " The Mighty Mouth of Harding College" during registration are Tom Porter, Drew Fuller and Dennis Smiley. EXCURSIONS into the Green Room wardrobe closet reveal various surprises for Campus Players linda Schmidt and Pot Kimbro. 174 Burton, Gifford , Manlove, Reagan, Smiley. THIRD ROW: Pate, Fuller, Dixon, Barrington, Hansen, Eubanks (sponsor). OBVIOUSLY eager to make the long trip to Wichita Falls ore junior debaters Garner and Dockery and sponsor Evan Ulrey. r /