PUBLICATIONS Petit Jean focuses on faces youth reaching for maturity The fa ce of the 1969 Petit Jean was one of. dedi- . This year's staff was dedicated to the goal presenting the fa ces of youth in the transition to n.~,,";I·v. The book sought to record this transition the year 1968-69: To achieve this goal, Editor Diane Hoagland lIIe'm~,led her staff as soon as classes began. Some attended the first annual Peti"t Jean held the second week of school. Dr. Pryor, sponsor, Mr. John Clark of American rell~b()()k and Miss Hoagland expla ined what an All-American book. Early organization, eQllipment and cooperation from those on the IItIInlCal end enabled the staff to meet the earliest in Petit Jean history. Also, a new sales was set by Gail McKinney. The social side of work on the Petit Jean was overlooked. A visit from the Great Pumpkin a Christmas breakfast provided a pleasant liversicln for the staff. -- .. - -- .. - - - PHOTOGRAPHERS, P. Pratt, (obi II , P. Lyon, J . Lewis. ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER Larry Smith and ASSISTANT EDITOR Jerry Bai ley. 165