Diane Hoagland Roger Lamb Who's Who Diane Hoagland Journalism major, fransfer from York Col/ege, edifar of Petit Jean, Regina , Alpha Phi Gamma secretary. Rog e r lamb Math major, associate editor of Bison , SNEA state president 1967 - 68 , SA Council , jun ior closs favorite , Beta Phi Kappa, A Cappella. Gail McKinney transfer f rom Alabama Christian College, business administration major, business manager of Petit Jean, Alpha Chi vicepresident, American St udies, Young Republican s. Hanaba Munn ... Art major, SA Council, A Cappello Chorus, Recordi ng Chorus, the Gui ld, Kappa Pi, Ko Jo Kai, Les Bonnes de Christe, l e Cerde Francois, regiona t representative of Alpha Chi. Brenda Needham .. Moth majo r, chee rleading capta in, 1968 Homecoming court , J u Go Ju. Gloria Page . . . Junior moth major , SA representative, SNEA, Bison Boosters, J u Go Ju secretory- treasurer, Ford Foundation Scholar. Tom Porte r Bible and speech major , intercollegiate debate , Pi Kappa Detta, KHCA sto ff , Pioneer social club president , freshman closs vice-president, sophomore don president. Ronnie Reeve .. Psychology major, SA president , Behavioriat science club, American Studies , Galaxy social club, in te rcollegiate bowling , Alpha Chi , freshman closs favorite . lynn Rolen .. , Elementary Educat ion ma jor, SA secretory, 1967 Homecoming Queen, sophomore Homecoming representat ive, Galaxy cl ub q ueen, Phi De lta, Americo n Studies, 152 Gail McKinney Hanaba Munn Tom Porter