1967-1968 Yearbook

FI. Wor th, Tex . Karen Sue French Terry L Fugatt Mary Gaddy William G. Gaine s . Virg inia Galyan J oan Gardne r N. Lill ie Rock, Ark. Ma xi ne Gardn e r Barbara Lynn Garner Patri ck Howa rd Garner Vail Gee r David V. Gibson Gloria Gip son Barbara Jane Goetz Cath e rine Gould Rog e r Al vin Graham Claudin e D. Gray Marian Jani ce Gree n Marilyn L. Gree n Springfield, Mo. Forres t City, Ark. Indianapol is. Ind. College Pork, Go. Searcy, Ark. Searcy, Ark. Longv iew, Tex. Fa irv iew, Po. Wes terv ille, Oh io My~t i c, Conn. Mad ison, Tenn. Kense tt , Ark. Portageville, Mo . Judsonia, Ark. Arkadelphia, Ark . Sou th Bend, Ind. FRESHMAN mixers ot the beginn ing of e och year g ive stude nts the oppo rtunity to get acqua inted w ith SA members and othe r st uden fs. FRESHMEN Lively entertainment at Chri stoph e r Hugh Green Jane t Sue Gregg Mart in Gre g ory Judith Griffith Max Edward Grigg s Charle s R. Gro ss Marle ne E. Grubb s At lan to, Ga . Co!ombia no, O. Rockford, II I. Thaye r, Mo . Madera, Ca lif. Houston, Tex . Cambr idge, Ohi o Ronald Taft Haik Metairie, La . Larry Timothy Hal e Pine Bl uff , Ark . De borah Jean Hal ey Muskogee, Ok lo. Kathl ee n J eann e tte Hall Dallas, Tex. Te rry Michae l Hall J e fferson, Oh io Amy Cath e rine Ham Steve Les li e Hamlin Susan Elai ne Hankin s Doyl e Ode ll Harke y Rickey Lee Harri s Tw yla Jo y Harri s 94 Lill ie Rock, Ark. . Selme r, Tenn. Spri ng fi eld, Mo . Plainview , Ark. Searcy, Ark. Spr ing fie ld, Mo. • mixers