ROGER JON LOWRY, Jonesville, Wisc . Business Administration. Transfer from York Co lege. American Studies 3,4; Junior Business Team 3; Chi Sigma Alpha 3,4; Intromurals 3,4; Softball All-Star 4. CHARLES B. McBRIDE, Fl int , Mich. History. Transfer from David Lipscomb College. DOUG McBRIDE, Camden, Ark . Journalism. Wno's who 4; Bison Stoff 2,3,4, Editor 4 ; Alpna Ph i Gamma 3.4, Pres. 4 ; Sub-T·16 1,2,3,4, Treas. 3; Intramurals 1,2,3. MORRIS LYNN McCAULEY, Granbury, Tex. Bible and Speech. Transfer from Tarleton Slale College. Bison Staff 3,4; European Club 2; Timothy Club 2,3,4; Chorale 2; TNT 2,3,4, Dev. Dir. 4 . ARTHUR EDWARD McCLELLAN, Sikeston, Mo . Political Science. Bison Boosters 1,2,3; Young Democrats 3,4; American Studies 3,4; Pi Gamma Psi 3,4; Galaxy 1,2,3.4, Treas. 3,4; Swimming 2,3; Baseball I; Intra. murals 1,2,3,4; Delta Chi Club Beau 3,4. JANET ELAINE McCLOUD , Roche ste r. Mich . Psychology. Transfer from Michigan Chrislian . For East Mission Club 2; Australian Club 2; Les Bonne de Chris te 2,3,4; Behavioral Science Club 4 ; Tofebl 2,3, 4 , Athletic Dir. 2, Vlce·Pres. 3; Intramurals 2,3. ROBERT JAMES McCLUSKEY , Hammonton , N. J . Psychology. Transfer from Northeastern Christian College. SNEA 2; Sigma Tau Sigma 2.3,4 ; Basketball 1· Baseball 3,4; Intramurals 2,3,4; Baseball and Softball AII·Stars 2,3,4. HENRY A. McDANIEL, JR ., Pensacola , Flo . Speech. Transfer from Penso· cola Junior College. Chi Sigma Alpha 2,3,4; Student Associa t ion 4 ; Belles and Beaux 3, 4; Alpha Psi Omega 3,4; The Guild 2,3,4; Chorale 2,3; A Cappella Chorus 4; Collegiate Players 2,3,4; Campus Players 2,3,4, Pres. 3; Besl Supporting Actor 2. PAUL EDWARD McDANIEL, East Point , Ga . Art and Biology. Del ta 1010 1,2,3, Pres. 3; Fra ler Soda lis 5; T'ne Guild 3.4,5; Chorale 2,3; Philougeia 3,4 , Pres. 4; Inlromurals 3,4. GARY EDWARD McDONALD , Winche ste r, Ark. Business Administration. Bison Boosters 1,2,3; Pi Gamma Ps i 1,2; Kappa Sigma Kappa 1,2,3,4 , Atnletic Djr. 1,2,3. MARY BETH McDONALD. Mt. Dora. Fla . Elementary Educat ion. Transfer from Freed·Hardeman College. Oege 3,4; SNEA 3,4. MICHAEL LEE McMACKIN , Tuscumbia , Ala . Business Administration. Bison Boosters 1,2; Chorale 1,2.3,4; Galaxy 1,2,3,4; Golf 1,2,3,4 ; Intramu rals 1,2,3,4. AGNES GERTRUDE McVICKER , Grafton , W. Vo . Psychology and SoCiolog y. Transfer from Ohio Volley College. Dactylology Club 3; Les Bonne de Chrisle 3,4; Behavioral Science Club 4 ; Theta Psi 3,4. SIAOSI MALUOTOGA, Pogo Pogo. Am. Samoa. Physicol Education. Transfer from York College. Northwest Mission Club 3,4; Science Club 3,4; Bison Boosters 3,4; Timothy Club 3.4; Philougeia 3,4; TNT 3,4; IntromuraJs 3,4. DENNIS MANUEL, New Iberia , La. General Science. Sigma Tau Sigma 1,2,3,4 , Vice·Pres. 1; Football 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. VEVA JUNE MARTENEY , Liberal , Kans . Elementary Education. African Club 3,4; SNEA 1,2,3,4; Dactylology 1; Australian Club 1,2; Chorale 3; Zela Rho 1,2,3,4, Vice-Pres. 3. EARL ALBERT MARTIN , Bixby, Oklo . English. Transfer from York College. Chi Sigma Alpha 3,4; Alpha Chi 4, Treas. 4; A Cappella Chorus 3,4 , Vice-Pres. Senior Closs 4. DELORES MATlOCK , Independence, Mo. Elementary Education. Transfer from Crowley's Ridge College. 64