1967-1968 Yearbook

GERALD CRAIG BROWN, Santa Ana, Calif. Mathematics. Chi Sigma Alpha 1,2,3,4; Student Associat'on 1,2,3,4; The Guild 1; Chorale 1,2, Collegiate Players 2; Intramurals 1,2,3; Intercollegiate Swimming 1,2,3. MARILYN FRANCES BUCHANAN, Chattanooga, Tenn . Elementary Educat ion. Transfer from Freed·Hardeman College. Mu Eta Adelphian 3,4, Treas. 3,4; SNEA 4; Dactylology Club 4; Les Bonne de Christe 3,4; Recording Chorus 3. CLIFFORD BYRD, Meni fee, Ark. General Science. Transfer from South · western C-hristian College. A Cappello Chorus 3; Frater Sodalis 3,4; Intramurals 3,4. ROBERT LEE CAISON, III , North Charl eston , S. C. Bible. Transfer from Wofford College. Frater Sodalis 3,4; Bison Band 3,4; Timothy Club 3,4. ANN ELIZABETH CAMP, Wickila fall s, Tex . Journalism. Ju Go Ju 1,2,3,4, Reporter 2, Vice-Pres. 2, Pres. 3; Bison Staff 1,2,3,4, feature Editor 3,4; Petit Jean Staff 1,2,3,4, Editor 4; Bison Boosters 1,2,3,4; KHCA Radio Staff 1; Young Republicans 2,3; Council of Presidents 3; Alpha Phi Gamma 4; May Queen Court 4; May FeTe Director 3. CHERYL DIANE CARGILL , Batesville, Ark. Elementary Education. Transfer from Arkansas College. SNEA 4; For East Mission Club 3; Chorale 4; Los Companeras 3,4. DAVID GERALD CARRUTH, Tulia, Tex . Biology. Transfer from Texas Teck. Lambda Sigma 3,4, Pres. 3,4. ALAN H. CARTER, Paragould , Ark. Accounting. Transfer from Crowley's Ridge College. Pi Gamma Psi 3,4; TAG 3,4; Intramurals 3,4. EDDIE RAY CASSETTY, Ckarlestown , Ind. Bible. Transfer from FreedHardeman College. Intromurals 3; Tennis 4. RANDALL CLINTON CHAPMAN, Huntington , W. Va . Bible. Transfer from Ohio Valley College. Council of Presidents 4; Kappa Sigma 3,4, Pres. 4 ; Club Beau Omega Phi 4, Intramurals 3. JERRY DUANE CHERRY, Pocakontas , Ark. Accounting. Transfer from University of Arkansas. Alpha Phi Kappa 3.4; American Studies 3,4; Int ramurals 2,3,4. ROBERTA JANE CHRISTISON, Deer Lodg e, Montana . Biology. Transfer f rom York College. African Club 4; Dactylology Club 3,4; Les Bonne de Chrisle 2,3,4; Chorale 3; MEA 3,4, Pres. 4. GILBERT CLARK, College Park, Md. English. CollegiaTe Players 1,2,3,4, Ch i Sigma Alpha 1,2,3,4. JERRELL LYNN CLARK, EI Campo, Tex . Accounting and Business. Transfer f rom Wharton County Junior College. Pi Gamma Psi 2,3; Koinonia 2,3. TISH LARKINS CLARK , Cere sco, Mick . Business Education. SNEA 4 ; Bison Boosters 1,2,3,4; Bisanettes 2,3; Kappa Delta 1,2,3,4. PAUL ALLEN CLEMENTS, Montgomery, Ala . Music Education. Transfer f rom Alabama Christian College. Belles and Beaux 3; SMENC 3,4; A Cappella Chorus 3; KHCA Slaff 3,4; Circle K 1,2. ANITA JANE CLEVELAND, Springfield, Va . Art. Transfer from York College. Guild 3,4; Archery Club 4; Camero Club 4; los Companeras 4. JUDY LYNN COFFMAN, Jackson, Tenn . Journalism. Transfer from Freed· Hardeman College. Sison Stoff 3,4; Alpha Phi Gamma 3,4; Les Bonne de Christe 3,4; Behavioral Science Club 3,4; Regina 3,4, Secy. 3.4; Cheerleader 3,4. 55