EDUCATION CREATION of a gopher from paper mache is an elementary ort ossiqnment for Alvin Hicks. Teacher education program becomes accredited THE DIVISION OF EDUCATION was heightened by accreditation from the ational Counci l for the Accred itation of Teacher Education. The announcement came in May, 1967. Thi s accredits teacher education at the elementary and secondary elvrls. Joining this division last June was Dr. Helen Freeman, who assumed the role of Associate Professor of Elementary Education. Recognition for the department also came from professors who held responsible positions in state educational organizations. Dr. !larry Olree, Director of Research , received a $16,000 Nat ional Aeronautics and Space Administration grant for 1967 and 1968, to do research on "Methods of Achieving and Maintaining Phys ical Fitness for Prolonged Space Flight." This research will be conducted in the R. T. Clark Research Wing of the New Science Building. Such research conducted by Dr. Olree is a definite asset to the Physical Education Department. Providing recrea tional activity and aiding student phys ical fitness are the major activities of the Physical Education Department. New members which have been added to the staff th is year are Karyl Bailey, Barbara Barnes, and Jerry Mote. . 43