PRECISION is required as Honcbo Munn solders a stone to on abstract piece of metal completing an assignment in Metal Crofts. FINE ARTS Orchestra added to Harding's cultural program THE DIVISION OF FINE ARTS was aUl\'mented this year by the formation of the HardinI\' College Orchestra, which gave its first public performance on November 6. Besides the orchestra, an outstanding string program has been developed by Mr. Vernal Richardson within a period of two years. Harding music groups have been widely recognized for their excellence, primary of which are the Belles and Be.aux, a select singing group under the direction of Kenneth Davis,Jr. The hil\'hlight of their season was a nine-week tour of the Far East early in 1968 under the auspices of the National Music Council and the USO shows. 40 The Music Department offers a variety of majors in voice, piano, violin and music education, in addition to a liberal arts major in music. Also offered are services courses for elementary education majors. In the planning stages is a fine arts center to house the art department. The year saw a I\'rowth in the arts including courses in painting, sculpture, graphics, ceramics, metal work and commercial art. This department also offered service courses to elementary education majors and home economics majors. Work produced by HardinI\' artists have won several honors.