BIBLE • • • BS in Bible, BA in missions offered religion TI lE DIVISION OF RELIGION for the first time this year offered a Bachelor of Sc ience degree in Bible and a Bachelor of Arts degree in mi ss ions . An extensive self-study of Bible curriculum in the fall prompted thi s addition. These two broad a reas enable young men to obtain an excellent background for preaching or mission work. During the summer of 1967 Dr. Joe Ha cker. Chairman of the Bible Department, directed 46 Harding students in an evangelistic Catnpalgn 111 Frankfurt, Germany. Tradition has been observed thi s year as in the past by members of the Bible department who directed Monday night meeting and the Timothy Club. Tradition was set this yea r as Act L a new mission study group, \·vas fon~cd. . The department continucs to grow with 146 majors this ycar, and the addition of Jere Yates to the faculty in religiou s education. In June a fourweek World Evangelism Seminar will be sponsored by the division. BIBLE study outdoors is inspirational for Sue Shelton, as she combines God 's word and the crisp winter landscape of His nature.