1967-1968 Yearbook

MUSIC GROUPS Forty-three singers • show discipline, dedication This year was an exciting one for the A Cappella Chorus, thanks to Keith Straughn, in his first year at Harding. Combining tact and firmness, Mr. Straughn molded 43 students into a wellrehearsed chol·ale . Hard work and early mornings tried the patience of many, but built the character of everyone. Mr. Straughn schedul ed two trips for the chorus, one in the fall and one for spring. The fall trip took the voices of Harding Academy to cities as close as Morrilton and Fort Smith and to places as distant as Muskogee and Tulsa, Oklahoma. The spring tr ip found the chorus in Kansas. Nebraska, Oklahoma and Missour i. Members of the chorus going on the spring tr ip retu rned from spring vacations two days early in order to travel to Little Rock to participate in the District Choral Festival, then prepared to leave the next day. Two members of the chorus, Mona Lee Moore and Bobby Helsten, were selected for the All -Sta te chorus. THE 3 X 3 prepare for their performance in the Junior Christian (ollegeTourney by rehearsing the song "The Very lost Day:' 262 A CAPPelLA Chorus members Bobby, Buncie lee, Debbie and Mono Lee practice their music diligently for AII·State Chorus. I " AM I lote?" asks larry Davis as he racks his mind for another plausible excuse that will obtain him on excused tardy slip.