1967-1968 Yearbook

SENIOR BETA CLUB. FRONT ROW: Blue, Martin, Lawyer, West, Cleveland, Moore. SECOND ROW: Hacker, BaQgett, Formby, BETA CLUB Brown, Ganus, Smith, l. Blue. THIRD ROW: Showalter, Nadeau, Hodges, Sapp, Helsten, Rhodes, Allen, Pratt. Beta Club honors students with high grade point /lol1or Student Debbie Ganus [Jonor Student Bobby f-felsten To become a member of the Beta Club, it is necessary to obtain a ninety average for two consecutive six-weeks periods. Before joining the club, each person must be invited. On becoming a member, everyone receives a certificate, a pin, a membership card and a note of congratulations. These honors are presented in chapel by the Beta Club president. The main event of the year is a breakfast honoring the seniors. It is customarily held at the Mayfa ir Hotel on the morning of Baccalaurea teo Mrs. Ritchie, math instructor, is sponsor of the Harding Academy Beta Club_ Although Debbie is active in many extracurricular activities, she has achieved an exceptionally high grade point average for this year. Her desire for excellence has been supported not only by an abundant innate mental ability_ but also by a lot of self-discipline. Bobby's diligence and meticulous allention to every aspect of his schoolwork have given him an admirable grade point average [or his junior year. His persistance and quiet determination have helped him in developing his excellent mental capabilities_