STAR Club spirit characterizes intramural competition Pledge night will long be remembered by the four new S.T.A.R. members. Lipstick painted faces, messy hair, and shabby clothes were only part of the long night of initiation. During the year, members worked on projects which included collecting Christmas gifts for needy children. Enthu siasm was sparked throughout the club as most members actively participated in club sports. Honored at the banquet, as well as at many intervals during the year, were club beaux Johnny Sapp and Lee Daniel. S.T.A.R. May Court representative was Candy Cleveland. While club sponsor Anne Blue spent many sleepless nights supervising the bunking parties, the S.T.A.R. 's planned pledge week, worked toward their banquet and engaged in the usual girl - ish chatter. OFFICERS. West, Pres.; Cleveland, V ice-Pres.; Blue. Trees.; Cleveland, Sec.; Jones, Rep.;Ann Blue, sponsor. STAR. TOP ROW: Miss Blue (sponsor). Martha Blue, Condy Cleveland, Carole Cleveland. SECOND ROW: Dorleen Jones, Jady Pipkin, Mono Prock, linda Spradlin. THIRD ROW: Janet Thompson, Kris West. 260 THE S.T.A.R. sponsor, Miss Anne Blue, tolks to Jady Pipkin and Candy Cleveland concerning their upcoming banquet. Club Beau Lee Daniel Club Beau Johnny Sapp