HARDING Academy Sub-Debs delight their future chapel audience with a long-anticipated musical revue of popular songs today. SUB-DEB 'Peanut Pals' create unusual, lasting friendships OFFICERS. Moore, Pres.; Ganus, Vice-Pres.; Formby , Sec.; lawyer, Treas.; Davis, Rep.;paula Hicks, sponsor. SUl-DEiS. TOP ROW: Mrs. Hicks (sponsor). Rosemary Baggett , Donna Brown, Skip Calvert. SECOND ROW; Nancy Clark, Jenny Davis, Margaret Formby, Rachel Formby. THIRD ROW: Debbie Gonu!., Penny Groover, Dena Groover. lauren lawyer. FOURTH laDonno Mortin , Mono lee Moore, Beverl y Pryor, Judy Str"t, Sharon Webb. From the first pledge tea at the beginning of school until the last bunking party at the close of the year, the Sub-Debs were engaged in club activities. Sub-Debs entertained the neighborhoods surrounding the campus with Christmas carols before the holidays. "Peanuts" exchanged gifts, and presents were given to the club' s sponsor and beaux. This year the club performed for the chapel audience with a unique program of songs including "As Tears Go By" and " I Want to Be Free. " They were accompanied by Bill Pratt and Jac PowelL Club sponsor, Mrs. Paula Hicks, and Senior beaux Rick Wood and Lester Allen contributed their support to an enjoyable year for the Sub-Debs, whether the members were playing a volleyball game, planning a banquet or having a bunking party. Club Beau Lester Allen . - Club Beau Rick Wood 259