• KAT Mayfair Hotel provides formal banquet setting At th e annual spring banquet, Ma rch 1, the KAT' s and th eir dates enj oyed an evening of "Moonli ght and Roses." Coach Cliff Sharp wa s the featured speaker and Sammy Peebles furni sh ed cnterta inrnen t. The Kappa Alpha Theta social club sta rted off th e year with four members, and e ight new m em - bers were added after a ri gorous pledge weekend held a t Che ri Woodruff 's home. Bunking parti es provided opportuniti es to ge t toge ther and make plans for helping n eedy children a t the Conway Colony, planning th e banquet, or pl edge week ac tiviti es. As well as being an enjoyable club, it also serves th e sch ool and fellow stud ents through va rious activities. Pres id ent ShelTY Kell was chosen as May Court Attendant and Susan Smith was ch osen to r epresent th e club in th e May Day cer emonies. OFFICERS. Kel l, Pres.; Woodruff, Vice- Pres.; Sea rs, Sec.- Treas.; Smith, Rep.; El sie Lynn, sponsor. 258 Club Beau Jaro Finney Club Beau Jim Atteberry KAT. TOP ROW: Mrs. l y nn (spo nsor). Stephan ie Glover, Sherry Kelt , Conni e N iederhofer . SECOND ROW: Martha Sears. Kotheleen Sheppard, Rosemary Simpson, l ula Stricklin. THIRD ROW: Moll y Vines, Ca rolyn Wa tts, Cheri Woodruff . ROSIE SIMPSON and Cheri Woodruff admire Mr. Coston's eyecatching design for their new Kappa Alpha Theta sweatshirts.