1967-1968 Yearbook

BOARD OF TRUSTEES First woman member joins Board of Trustees BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Clifton l. Ganus, Jr., T. J. McReynolds, Harold Cogburn , Mrs. Robe rt S. Warnock, Dav id Paul Burton, Lemon Johnson, Hillard Johnmeyer, Louis E. Green , Roy Sawyer, Georg e S. Benson, Jim Bi ll Mclnteer , James T. Cone , Flanoy Alexander , Richard D. Fuller , J. A. Thompson , John D. Baldwin , Houston T. Karnes. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES during the past year added three members: David Paul Burton of Newport, Hilla rd Johnmeyer of Rolla, Mo., and Mrs. Robert S. Warnock of Magnolia. bringing its total membership to 21. These individuals exercise ultimate control of the objecti ves a nd policies of Harding College. Trustees m eet two times annually for r egular meetings - during the week of the fall lectureship and during the week of spring comm encement. An 24 executive committee of the Board meet s more frequently to act upon questions that demand an immediate answer. A self-perpetuating group of men and women who are interested in Chri stian education and who receive no r emunera tion for the many hours of servi ce they g ive each year comprise the board . Chairman is Dr. Houston T. Karn es, a professor of mathematics at Louisiana State University . d