ACADEMIC LIFE Special attention aids students' ability to work B~callse of the sma ll ~nrollm ~nt attlw Academy. ('aeh studrnt has a unique opportunity 10 play an importanl role in several fields. This overlapping of rpspolIsiiJi liti es provid~s a challenge 10 each stll ' dcnl to broaof'11 his mind. C'x{'r l ani! grow III learkrsh ip. BRsir Co urses. taup:ht hy dedicated faculty melll - bers. a rc offcr~d in Bible. business. mathematics. natural s('jC'nc('~ literature and socia l science. Art. music and languagrs are a lso offer ed, which g-iv('s Ih~ individllal a \\"~Il round~d sc hedule. As " ,·esult. the academic level of students g rad . uating frmTI TTard ing Acadcm.y is far above the' national avC'rap:c of graduat ing students . In the truf' sense of th~ \yord . TIarding Academy prepa res stu - dents fo J' til(' future wilh a rC']igiolls and ('dura - tiona l har-kg-rounel. EDDIE CAMPBELL, Guidance Counselor, and J. E. Berryhill, Registrar, discuss plans for college with senior David Wolfe. EDWIN GREENE consults Mrs. lynn for some necessary advice on the organization of his term paper for Senior English class . LIBRARY shelves empty as semester deadlines draw near and leon Blue learns the importance of good study habits. 256