STUDENT COUNCIl. fRONT ROW, Sireel, Ke ll, l awye r, Wesl , Cleveland, Campbell , Moore, Ganus. SECOND ROW: Bo les, HONORS Moyer, Ramsey, Dani els, Beavers, Campbell, Tucker, Allen, Pratt , Sopp. Student leadership exemplifies unity, usefulness Ccndy Cl eveland Sub-Deb Award Because she exempl if ies th e tru e spiril of Hardin g Academy, Candy Clevela nd h as been chosen by th e Sub-Debs for their annual award . Whether she 15 checking tardi es in c horu s~ cheering the Wi ldcats to victory, playing on a S.T.A .R. intramural teanl~ or presiding ov('r a mee ting of th e Future Homemakers of Ameri ca, Ca ndy's pl easant a ttitude h elps to make the day just a little more enjoyable for h er classm a tes. As a member of Stu - dent Council , Beta Club, the Wildeal sta ff a nd Future Bus in ess Leaders of Ameri ca . Ca nd y has contributed to th e a cti vities of th e Acad emv. She wa s a homecoming attendant and was rhosf'n by the S.T.A.R. social club as th e ir Ma y F ete re prese ntative. Because Candy has gi ve n so mu ch of Iwrself to the Academy , h er classma tes would like t o g ive to h er th e 1968 Sub-Deb Awa rd . 255