1967-1968 Yearbook

DEDICATION Seniors honor class sponsors with Dedication We apprec iate you for your genuine concern for each one of us. Our class has been strengthened by your enthusiasm and unobtrusive guidance in our many projects. Your cooperation and support in the Powder Puff Football Game, the rummage sale, and in planning the Jr.-Sr. Banquet impressed us with your dedication to our class. Because of your worthy influence upon our lives. we. the senior class of 1968, dedicate our portion of the 1968 Petit Jean to both of you, Mrs. Elsie Lynn and Coach Ed Higginbotham, our class sponsors. Elsie Lynn RESTING upon a podium is a familiar stance for Coach Ed Higginbotham while conducting Civics class in an informal way. Mrs. Lynn not only teaches her students the essentials of good English, but teaches them to think for themselves - to use their reading as a "springboard" for their own ideas. They have found her teaching and her personality stimulating. As a teacher, Coach Ed has caused students to admire him for the way he makes poetry, history and the Gospels interesting. Although the boys find him a strict disciplinarian as a coach, they learn to respect his effectiveness in all areas of athletics. Ed Higginbotham MRS. LYNN tokes a break from her English duties to enjoy Homecoming festivities wifh her students at the post-game party.