1967-1968 Yearbook

FACULTY Faculty encourages more student participation COACHES Cli ff Sharp and Ed Higginbotham display the coke mode by cheerleoder Krist ina West at Homecoming . • . t o IOrden A. Ilu. H. Ilue P. Ir.wer P. E. P. E. Elementa ry Elementary M. Heist." f . Henry P. Hicks •• Hig g inbotham Elementary Elementa ry Sciences Coach, Civics t . Rach. 1 K. Ritchie M. Sears c. Sharp Elemenfa ry Mathematics Elementary Coach, Science A unique atmos phere is prov ided by t he individua l and per sonal teach ing of our faculty. Although teaching a certa in subj ec t is th e r equiremen t of each member of the facul ty, providi ng a Chri stian educat ion is th e first co ncelTl . Busy w ith th e dut ies of eac h day, th ey take t ime to sponso r class acti vities. org-a niza ti ons. social and serv ice clubs. Pa ti ence and understandin g- arc al - ways availa bl e from each teach er wh enever a stu - dent r equires th e ir h 0lp . Spirit and enthu siasm are di splayed by th e loyal fa culty fa ns prese nt a t games and other ac t iv it ies of t he sch ool. The new faculty m embers thi s yea r add a spa rk of freshn ess to the cUlTiculu m. Al ong w i th morc e..x pcrienced teachers, they st rive to ma intain a q ui et a tmospher e condu c ive to both m ental and spiritua l gr owth . Because of the student-fac ulty r a ti o, each teacher has the t ime to devote per sonal atten tion to each student . •• .rowning •• Campbell D. Coston M. Groover English Counselor M Business l. lawson E. l ynn w. Martin M. Montgomery Elementary English Coach Supervisor K. Straughn F. Timmerman E. Wel ch D. W ork Chorus French Speech Chemistry 253