ADMINISTRATION Trained administrators coordinate Academy life WILLIAM DILES, MA. wh o began his duti es as new principal of lIardin g Academy in the fal!, still finds time to share with hi s stud en ts. H e teaches Bible. shorthand and typing. As sponsor of the Future Business Leaders of America, h e en - courap;cs studen ts to participate and to excel! in state-wide business sk ill competi ti on. A strong backer of tlw \~r i ld cats. he scrvcs as stat istician for the teams. Noted for his friendliness and sincerity, Mr. Diles> is always wi ll ing to listen to students problems and help in any way possible. PERRY S. MASON, MA, LLD , Academy Super intendent pEHHY S. MASON. BA. MA. LLD, Super inten - dent of Il arding Academy. plays an important part in the act ivities of thc sc hool and the community. An C'nthusiastic melnhcr of the Kiwanis Club, h e sponsors the Key Club for the Academy. H e supports students in athlctics and other compet it ions and helps to insp ire them to do their best. Mr. Mason, we ll -known for his contribut ions in promot inp; A mcrican ism. del i vcrs speech es throughout the area. Students of the Academy as well as those of oth er schools ga in a better understand ing of curren t events from his chapel speeches which transmit his patriotic and enthusiastic sp irit. He exempl ifies the citizenship he hopes to generate w ithin hi s students. 252 Bill Diles , MA Academy PrinCipal J. E. BERRYHILL, MA, Registrar J. E. BEHRYIIILL. BA. MA. continues to be an impor"tant influence on the student body in hi s new pos i tion of Registrar. Students appr eciate the patience "vith 'vv hi ch he serves them in many areas. IIc is a fam ili ar sip; h t behind the concession stand at sports events. Serving th e Academy for many years. Mr. Berryhil!"s experience and perception have proven to bc invaluable to stud en ts. as well as to teachers. Tn ad di t ion to duties of registration and keeping rcconls, his other responsibilities include tcachin!, Bible. social science and driver education. Always ca lm. Mr. Berryhill patiently expla in s questions. whcthe,- about the Civil War, parallel parking or class schedul es.