PLEDGE WEEK FORMAL initiation in Roman togas was the final event of pledge week for Ju Go Ju's. SIGNING names and !=Joining friends is part of pledging for Sigma Tou pledge Joe Shane. Campus 'goes crazy' during club pledge week Indians lurk in the student center, knights joust on the sidewalks, and rats scurry about campus posing as people. Such antics come to Harding during a week in the fall when pledges are seeking to meet the standards of club membership. Pledgemasters keep their charges busy with useful tasks of watering the flagpole or measuring sidewalks. The insanity hits climax on rough initiation night. Pledges pay for their "si ns" with onions, raw eggs, un-cleanable clothes and a long, cold walk back to school. After an impress ive formal initiation the next night, pledges ca n easily see that the pain and trouble of pledging are wOrU1 the fun of forming friendships under the worst conditions. ROUGH initiation for girls is as gruelling as the boys' version discovers Martina Prock during proceedings at haunted house. 243