LYNN ROLEN reigns as Queen of Harding Homecoming '67, with Sheryl Deay and Brenda Needham serving as her attendants. HOMECOMING Side Lights, victory set apart Homecoming '67 All college homecoming weekends center around the big events - parade. royalty, game. However, it was the halo of small events that set apart Homecoming '67 at ITarding. The whole hectic weekend started Friday afternoon at Camp Wyldewood. Half of Harding's 1900 students jostled each other for chili and Cokes under the Wyldewood pavillion and then headed for the rocky, one-mile trudge down to the bonfire on Little Red River. After a boisterous pep rally the 900 students fell into silent worship before a cross blazing on Bee Rock. In Saturday's parade the freshman class won the fl oat division and WIlC the car division. At the 2:30 p.m. game, Lynn Rolen reigned as queen and was attended by Brenda Needham and Sheryl Deay. Cindy Jolly, Judy "Vorth, Marcia Marks and Rita Townsend were class representatives. To perfect the day the Bisons downed Millsaps 24-7. For celebration, students had late permission till 11 p.m. and a choice between a movie and a hypnotist act. At 11:05 the campus was dead and all good little girl s had turned into pumpkins. MUMS, victory and a walk off the field ore among the things that make Homecoming '67 happy in spite of a sprained ankle. 241