1967-1968 Yearbook

EXCITEMENT generated by a tight race evokes varied reactions from sideline spectators as Mohican Jim Howard wins at the tope. INTRAMURALS Year ends with traditional Track and Field Day Track and Field Day, annually held early in May, ends the intramural season and is a high - light of the schedule. Classes are dismissed and stu - dents adjourn to Alumni Field for a day in the sun, where they participate in 29 different track and field events. Team winners last yea r were Mohicans in the National League, Independents in the American League and Theta Psi in women's competition . Event Shot Put Discus 100 120 Hurdles High Jump 440 Shot Put Discus 220 Javelin 100 220 Hurd les 440 Relay BBO Relay Mil e Relay NEW RECORDS (Set i n 1967) National League Mark Se t by 44'1" Jim Duncan , Mohicans 129'10" James Street, Mohicans 10.0 Jim Howard, Mohicans 15 .1 Tom Bateman, Sigma Tau 6T ' David Baker, Mohicans American league 52.7 David Byrd , Fraters 41 'S" Dick James, Fraters 11 0'10" Ronnie Copeland , Galaxy 23.1 David Reeves, Ga laxy 163'4 'j, " Wayne Stover, Ind. 10.3 John Kelley, Chi Sigs 27.1 Fred McClish, Ind. 45.7 In depend ents 1,37 .2 Independent s 3,39.S Fraters CHAMPIONSHIP form is displayed by Mohican David Baker as he sets a Nationa l League high jump mark with a 6 ' 1" leap. 227