LANES fill quickly at the College Bowl on Saturday afternoons as one of the most popular intramural activities in the program begins. INTRAMURALS Diversification describes Harding's intramurals A program extensive enough to include everyone, with a bill of fare diversified enough to suit anyone's taste - this is the goal of Harding's intramural program . Its influence touches every student, and approximately 75 per cent of the student body take an active part. Cecil Beck is in his fifteenth year of directing men's intramurals, and Mrs. Barbara Barnes is completing her second year as head of women's activities. Their assistants are Paulette Park, Charlie Thompson, Charlie Watts and Dale Neal. Team sports command by far the largest following. Students may compete either with their social club in the club competition, with other students in the intramural division, or with their own organized independent team. For convenience and better coverage, both men's and women's groups are divided into major and minor leagues for most team activities. Rag-tag football for men, and basketball, softball, volleyball, bowling and swimming for both sexes give a sample of the different team sports available. Individual competition ranges from tennis, badminton, archery and ping-pong to basketball skills, cross-country, situps, pullups and the peg board. Students may try to accumulate points for individual trophies at the end of the year, given to those with the highest totals. 224 FREQUENT coordinating conferences are necessary between directors Cecil Beck and Mrs. Barbara Barnes to plan activities.