TENNIS Bawcom, netters advance to third in Ale action NmER Glen Slue returns a shot in a practice sinQles game. He is one of seven veterans returning to compete th is spring . . , DOUBLES team member Dean Bowcom hits an overhead volley while portner David Elliott readies for the return shot in the set. Harding's tennis team, led in singles bv Dean Bawcom and in doubl es by Bawcom and David Elliott. advanced to a third place fini sh in the AlC last spring. This marked its highest finish since the school began tennis competition four years ago. The doubles team of Bawcom and Elliott went to the semifinals before being edged by H endrix, 4·6, 7-5, 6-2. Bawcom was defea ted in single semifinals by Jim Saucedo of Ouachita, the eventual conference champion. Others who competed at the conference for the Bisons were Lynn Dixon and Glen Blue. Harding amassed 10 points, behind champion Ouachita with 17 and runn eTIlp Hendrix with 11. Bison n etters twi ce defeated teams from Tech, Arkansas College, Little Rock University and State College during the season while dropping matches to Arkansas State, John Brown and H endrix. This year Harding looked forward to having its most experienced net squad in history. With seven veterans returning from last spring's AlC warfare, Coach Bob Knight hoped for an even higher finish at the conference meet.. TENNIS TEAM. KNEEliNG, David Elliott, Buddy lomax, lynn Di xon and Dean Bawcom. STANDING: Freddy Marsh, Glen Blue, Junior Massey and Coach Bob KniQht. NOT SHOWN: Rusty Barclay. 223