1967 RESULTS Date Teams March 18 A&M Harding Delta State March 21 Harding Hend r ix Ozarks March 23 SCA (T iger Relays) SSC Harding OBU HSC Tech A&M Hendrix Apri l 4 SCA Harding Hendrix Ozarks April II SCA Harding Hendrix Hend r ix April 18 SSC Harding May 2 SE Mo. Harding May 8 Harding AM&N May 16 SSC (AIC) Harding SCA A&M HSC Tech OBU Ozarks Hendrix NEW SCHOOL RECORDS 880 Jim Crawford Mile Jim Crawford Two mile Jim Crawford Th ree mile J im Crawford Long jump David Martin Discus Gre~ Isom Javelin Greq Isom 440 IH Ken t Smith Triple jump Richard Gillenwaters Sprint medley Rollins , Parrish, Shenfeld , Crawford 4 mile relay Clark, Crawford , Boyle, Ellingwood 222 Score 7 1 63 36 117 36 29 46 80 41 27 26 21 14 5 114 105 34 19 94 66 32 8 1 64 90 55 80 71 86 59 54 28 23 10 7 3 2 1,52.5 4,04.2 9,00.4 14,] 9.8 23'7 " 139 '6" 169 '6" 52.9 52'S" 1,29.0 17,06.8 -_ ...... --- - • ,. • - --.-,-_ . ~~ii---'- 'r MAKING it look easy, high iumper Andy Whiddon dears the bar with room to spare in practice for his winning 6 '5" effort. PERENNIALLY weak in sprint events, Harding receives oll·out effort here from Ronni e Rubio and Moses Rollins in the 220.