GOLF Golfers improve, finish fifth • Ale competition SHARPENING his putling game, Terry McMichael aims the boll straight toward the cup as teammate David Berryhill holds pin. Harding's golfers almost broke even in their season record for 1967 with six wins, seven losses and three ties. They capped the season with a fifth place finish in the AlC. Teams defeated were Oral Hoberts University, John Brown University, Ouachita, Arkansas A&M and State College of Arkansas. They tied A&M, Southern State and Arkan sas Tech. Losses came against Tech, IIendrix, Little Hock University and State College. Sophomore Dick Benyh ill and freshman Terry McMichael were the most successful of the Bison linksters . Berryhill won ten matches, lost three and tied one, while McMichael won eight and lost five. Dr. Bob Gilliam is completing his fourth year as coach of the squad. BURLY Jim Preston practices a hefty swing off the tee with Coach Bob Gilliam and teammate Roy Fuller as his gallery. GOLF TEAM. KNEELING: Jim Preston, Terry McMichael, Dovid Shaw, Greg Harnden. STANDING, Coach G;II;am, Roy Fuller, Dick Berryhill, Don Wilson, Jimmy Henderson. 219