I .. , PRESIDENT - Harding's ambassador spans the globe in 1968 DR. CLIFTON L. GANUS, JR., in his third year as President of his alma mater, spent a significant amount of time traveling on native soil and abroad. During November, 1967, Dr. Ganus made a trip to the Far East, participating in the lectureship at lbaraki Christian College, Ibaraki, Japan. As a member of the Development Board of the Japanese college, Dr. Ganus was summoned to a special meeting for preparing its status as a senior coll ege. It was of necessity that the move be made in 1967 to comply with Japanese law. Circling various cities of the United States and visiting Hawaii in the summer, completed his annual itinerary. Three new buildings have been completed thus far during President Ganus's administra tion - the new science building and two air-condi tioned dormitories. Also, the enrollment of Harcling has increased Ii fly per cen t. Dr. Ganus is in constant demand as a speaker for various civle and ('nllcational groups. 18 BASKETBALL affords recreation and exercise for Dr. Ganus. SPANNING the globe from the Orient to New York as Harding 's Ambassador, President Ganus often uses the college plane.